Femtosecond laser processing of photonic materials

Data: 09 de Novembro de 2023
Horário: 16h
Palestrante: Prof. Dr. Cleber Renato Mendonça (IFSC/USP)
Local: Anfiteatro “Prof. Milan Trsic” – Instituto de Química de São Carlos, Edifício Q1 – 2º. andar
“Femtosecond laser processing (FLP) techniques have been receiving enormous attention due to their potential for the generation of new technologies. This area has been driven by the development of ultrashort pulse lasers, which feature high peak intensities and wide spectral band. The technological impact of FLP is present from devices for optical communications to applications in medicine, also having relevant economic impact worldwide. This talk will present the efforts being made by the Photonics Group at the Sao Carlos Institute of Physics towards the development of photonic structures with femtosecond pulses, from the fabrication of 3D structures to integrated photonics, including micro -lasers and nonlinear guides, to the development of platforms for Biophotonics and quantum information systems.”