USP - Universidade de São Paulo
Universidade de São Paulo

Palestra – Dr. Peter W. Kenny

Título: “Molecular Design: One step back and two paths forward.”


Dr. Peter W. Kenny

Grupo de Química Medicinal (NEQUIMED – IQSC-USP)

Data: 18 de julho.


Resumo da palestra:Although frequently asserted in the literature, the links between physicochemical properties and outcome are not quite as strong as creative data analysis might make them appear and I will open the presentation by revealing a couple of tricks that one should watch for.  I will then discuss the relevance of partition coefficients (logP) to Molecular Design and explain why octanol/water may not be the best system with which to measure lipophilicity.   Although more difficult to measure, alkane/water partition coefficients are arguably more relevant to Molecular Design and, when compared with their octanol/water equivalents, provide insight into hydrogen bonding.   The presentation will conclude by showing how relationships between structures (e.g. Matched Molecular Pairs) can provide a useful framework in which to study biological activity and physicochemical properties

Peter W Kenny