USP - Universidade de São Paulo
Universidade de São Paulo

Biosourced materials at the heart of the ecological transition: performance, potential and caution

Data: 20 de Agosto de 2024


Horário: 16h


Palestrante: Prof. Patrick Perré (Université Paris-Saclay , França)


Local: Anfiteatro “Prof. Edson Rodrigues” – Instituto de Química de São Carlos, Edifício Q1 – Térreo



“Biobased materials offer attractive solutions in response to the crucial need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, but also to facilitate recycling and reduce the production of petro-based plastics. Produced in plants through photosynthesis, these materials are capable of storing atmospheric CO2 fixed by plants. This includes polymers and plant fibers, which have a unique combination of properties. The ways in which these building bricks can be used and processed to meet the needs is vast, and this is an area in which R&D is very active and crucial. On the other hand, the massive use of these materials at the industrial level raises several issues: variability of properties, availability of the resource in space and time, the need to use local resources, and therefore necessarily diversified resources.”